Behavior Assistant

Services are specific, outcome-oriented interventions designed to help the family and youth to develop and practice a strength based approaches, positive coping strategies and techniques. Behavior Assistance is a dynamic process of interventions designed to target specific behaviors that are interfering with a child/youth’s functioning. It includes ongoing evaluation resulting in effective modification of a child/youth’s identified behavior(s)

They are components of an approved, written, detailed individualized behavioral assistance treatment plan prepared by a licensed clinical behavioral health care practitioner.


Behavioral Assistance Services should exhibit sustainable positive behavior changes that reflect stabilized daily functioning, including put not limited to:

  1. Physical and emotional well-being

  2. Interpersonal, communication and relationships

  3. Socialization and behaviors activities

  4. Behavioral conduct

  5. Health coping strategies

We provide mental and behavioral health interventions to youth and families in their homes and community.

Face to face services are available. COVID-19 considerations: telehealth services, video or phone are available by family request. .